Шукати в цьому блозі

середу, 5 жовтня 2011 р.

Урок 9.

Цели урока:

совершенствование лексических и орфографических навыков.

Обучение диалогической речи (полилог);


1. Организационный момент

We shall make the dialogues in group of 3.

Than we shall learn to arrange a date and time.

And I want you to recall some words and to train yourself to ask tag questions.

2. Фонетическая зарядка

A skunk sat on a stump and thank - the stump stunk,

but the stump thank - the skunk stunk.

Фонетические зарядки


3. Тренировка лексических навыков

"Gather mushrooms"

Слова печатаются крупным шрифтом (или в WordArt), разрезаются на 2-3 части, и разбрасываются по полу. Задача – собрать «грибы», т.е. целые слова и прочитать их классу. Количество слов зависит от количества учеников. Короткие слова – сыроежки, длинные – боровики.

приглашение, социальный (культурный), группа, образовательный, ситуация.

Invitation, social, group, educational, situation.

4. Речевая разминка

I want you to agree or disagree with me

You will listen to my statements. If you agree with me you will repeat my sentence. If you disagree with me, correct my statement, please.

Если утверждение верное, то ученик должен повторить его. Если утверждение неверное - учащиеся исправляют его.

- You are going to visit your Granny on Sunday. (I agree with you. I am going to visit my Granny on-Sunday.)

- Your mother is going to Moscow at the weekend. (I disagree with you. My mother is not going to Moscow at the weekend.)

- You are not going to do your homework in the evening. (I disagree with you. I am going to do my homework in the evening.)

- Your father is going to clean the flat on Saturday. (I agree with you. My father is going to clean the fiat on Saturday.)

- Your sister is not going to visit her friend tomorrow. (I agree with you. My sister is not going to visit her friend tomorrow.) Etc.

5. Совершенствование навыков чтения и диалогической речи

Стр.33-34, №24

Вопросы по содержанию диалога:

- What are the children speaking about?

- Why will not they have a party at five tomorrow?

- When will they have a party then?

- Who will be responsible for music?

- Who will be responsible for sandwiches?

- Who will buy sweets?

- Can the boys arrange the tables?

6. Физкультминутка


7. Обучение диалогической речи.

№25, стр. 34. 5 минут, №24 стр.34 - образец

It is interesting to find out what your partner and members of his family like to do on weekends.

8. Развитие навыков аудирования

- We wanted to have hiking trip this month, didn't we? Could we arrange a date and time right now?

- Of course we can. What if we go hiking this weekend?

- Sorry, but I can't. I have arranged with my parents to visit my granny this weekend.

- I am afraid, I can't too. I am going to go to the theater this time.

-What about next weekend? We will be able to meet at the railway station at 7 a.m.

- All right.


- When will the children go hiking?

- They arrange a date and time, don't they?

- What time will they meet?

9. Итог урокa

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